Longtime NDP members gathered yesterday to review the direction of the party. They are urging other members to support a turn to the left. They believe the move to the centre since they lost power last time will perpetuate a second place finish. They believe they have moved away from core support and that's why they lose.
Well I hope they do move left, because they have been getting too close to victory by disguising their socialism in a veil of centrism. A move left will at least give them an honest face. And they will lose any election they fight when they are honest about who they really are and what they stand for. Socialists devastate every economy they touch. I'll take my chances with a democratic, capitalistic structure. At least the individual has more control over their lives.
Some of the people involved were on Bill Good's radio program today and the topic of the minimum wage came up. One of the guests told the audience that a $10 minimum wage wasn't nearly enough; it should be close to $16. Bill questioned how a small business person could pay that much. This guy (I missed the name) said that if they couldn't pay that much, their business was a failure and they don't deserve to be in business. Question is, could you vote for a party that with that kind of philosophy?
The problem is not the minimum wage. The problem is staying at the minimum wage level. There is no need for that. There is free language training for immigrants. Free skills training, free educational opportunities through government programs. And there are low cost training programs for those who prefer to pay their own way. We get paid for the value we bring to society. If you want to be paid more, you've got to make yourself more valuable.
The minimum wage is not a bed. You're not supposed to be comfortable with it. It's a ladder. Yes, it's the bottom of the ladder but the direction is clear: up. Up and away.
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